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Legal Separation Agreeme-Joel J.W.G. Szaefer Professional Corporationnts

Advice and Representation for All Family Law Matters

Joel J.W.G. Szaefer Professional Corporation provides family law services to Sarnia and Lambton County. We offer free half-hour consultations, during which we discuss your legal issues, provide cursory advice, and inform you of your options. Some of the many topics we handle are outlined below.

Divorce Law
Businessman and Male lawyer consult having team meeting with client, Law and Legal


We get it: you did not enter your marriage contemplating a divorce, but now you are faced with that difficult prospect. We understand that the thought of divorce or legal separation can be extremely stressful and harrowing. Our team is here to listen, and to help.


On the brighter side, filing for divorce or a separation can be a positive step in the right direction once you have made the decision to move forward from a relationship that is no longer contributing positively to your life. Here at Joel J.W.G. Szaefer Professional Corporation, we will guide you every step of the way to make this process as smooth and easy as possible.

Marriage Contracts (prenups) & Cohabitation Agreements

Marriage (Pre-Nuptial) & Cohabitation Agreements

It is crucial for two people contemplating cohabitation or marriage to understand that their choice will give rise to specific legal rights and obligations. These rights differ whether a couple chooses marriage or a marriage-like form of cohabitation. Domestic contracts, like marriage and cohabitation agreements, give couples a greater degree of control and certainty than what the law may otherwise provide.


All couples have the option to decide in advance how their assets, debts, and incomes are to be divided in the event that the relationship dissolves. When beginning a serious relationship, it is in your best interest to come to an understanding on a marriage or cohabitation agreement. Investing in a domestic contract at the outset of a relationship can save a great deal of time, money, and stress in the future should the couple decide to separate.

Marriage Ceremony
Judge gavel with Justice lawyers having team meeting at law firm in background.

Separation Agreements

It is common for separating couples to want to avoid Court. It is also common for separating couples to have no idea how to properly develop a custody or parenting schedule, divide assets and debts, or calculate support payments. 


Our team is able to help gather the required financial documents, perform any necessary calculations, give advice, and, ultimately, prepare a legal separation agreement. These agreements can address parenting arrangements for children, support payments, property division, and anything else related to the dissolution of the relationship.


Let us help you give effect to your goals in the form of a fully negotiated and prepared separation agreement.

Legal Separation Agreements
Property Division – married & common-law only

Property Division

It often takes a long time for a family to accrue both assets and debts and, upon separation, the division of these assets and debts can be laborious, confusing, and intensely personal. It is common to require help during this process.


At Joel J.W.G. Szaefer Professional Corporation, we can assist in making this complicated process as smooth as possible and advise you on more complex issues, such as the difference between dividing assets for married and common law couples, or how income tax consequences can impact the division of property.

Family home and garden Gresham Oregon.
Family Mediation
mother and daughter on couch, emotional support

Mediation & Arbitration

Increasingly, couples are turning to out-of-Court solutions to their family law issues, including mediation and arbitration. Our lawyers represent clients throughout both mediation and arbitration. We provide advice, prepare documentation, and "go to bat" for you during the entire process. Our family lawyers are particularly skilled in developing creative solutions to conflicts on many family law matters, including child custody and access, child and spousal support, and complex property issues.

Child Protection (CAS)

Child Protection (CAS)

The involvement of the Children's Aid Society can be sudden, leaving you little time to understand your rights and obligations. Even voluntary involvement with CAS, such as through a voluntary kinship placement, can leave you feeling "in the dark", or like you are not being given enough information or input on matters that severely impact your life and the lives of any children in your care.


We can help you navigate any involvement with CAS, regardless of whether Court is involved.

Statue of Justice on Desk
Custody & Access
appy father farmer carries son child boy sunset.

Custody & Access

We understand that the children in your life are of the utmost importance. We assist parents, other family members (such as aunts, uncles, and grandparents) and guardians with all claims relating to children. These claims include custody and access claims (now known as decision-making responsibility, parenting time, and contact) and any other issues impacting on children's safety and well-being.


Children require structure and stability. Our team can help you develop a child-focused arrangement for making major decisions for the children in your lives and help you craft a care schedule that sees children maximizing their meaningful time with the caregivers in their lives.


We also know that when a child's safety is at risk, you cannot afford to delay. Our lawyers are experienced litigators and have no problem urgently proceeding to Court to protect children.

Child Support & Spousal Support

Child & Spousal Support

Following a separation, we will help you make informed choices and advise you on your rights and obligations as they relate to support for spouses and for children.


Child Support

Following a separation, both parents have an obligation to support their children. This obligation is typically calculated based on parenting arrangements for the children, the parents' incomes, and the number of children. While you may be aware that child support is required if one parent has primary care of the children, you may not be aware that sharing care of the children may still require one parent to pay support to the other. Parties also need a mechanism for dealing with additional expenses that arise, such as orthodontics, major medical expenses, counselling, and extracurricular activities.


Spousal Support

Spousal support (often called alimony) is financial assistance provided by one spouse to another, regardless of whether they are married or common law. It is not required in every circumstance, but rather depends on factors such as compensation for economic disadvantage or a proven need for support. Spousal support is often complicated and depends on many different factors, including:


  • the age of both individuals

  • duration of the relationship

  • roles assumed by both parties during the relationship

  • payable child support, if any

  • both parties’ incomes


We are experienced in dealing with many different support scenarios and are able to negotiate your child and spousal support claims or, when required, advance those claims in Court.

Child girl sitting and hugging golden retriever dog outdoors at the nature and looking at
Silhouette of happy family walking in the meadow at sunset


Adoption is a wonderful way to build or expand your family. We are here to provide you with guidance and support throughout this thrilling, demanding, and most importantly, extraordinary chapter of your life. Adoption is genuinely rewarding; however, the process of formally applying to the Court for an Adoption Order can be be confusing and overwhelming.


Our experienced family lawyers can guide you and represent you at every stage, from preparing the initial Court paperwork to obtaining the final Adoption Order. Let us simplify the process for you so you can focus instead on what matters most: your family.

Lady justice. Statue of Justice in library
Looking for a Family Lawyer?

We can provide answers and guidance during an otherwise uncertain and stressful time.

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